"It is a strength and sign of resilience to acknowledge anything that may be interfering with our happiness."

Pearlman & Associates

655 Craig Road
St. Louis, MO 63141

Monday – Saturday

Dr. Lena Pearlman & Associates – 10/20/2019 Update

Something To Think About:
“When you put a kid who had experienced adversity in an MRI machine, you could see measurable changes to the brain structures.”
-Dr. Nadine Burke Harris

Did You Know?
Social Anxiety Disorder affects 15 million adults, or 6.8% of the U.S. population (ADAA).

TED Talk – “This Could Be Why You’re Depressed Or Anxious”:
In a moving talk, journalist Johann Hari shares fresh insights on the causes of depression and anxiety from experts around the world — as well as some exciting emerging solutions. “If you’re depressed or anxious, you’re not weak and you’re not crazy — you’re a human being with unmet needs,” Hari says.

Article – “Teachers Experience More Stress Than Other Workers”:
Teachers endure greater job-related stress than other professionals, according to the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER). With pupil numbers rising and an increasing proportion of teachers leaving the profession, the report found that one in five felt tense about their job most or all of the time, compared with 13% of those in similar occupations. Although teachers’ working hours across the year were similar to those in other professions, working intensively over fewer weeks of the year led to a poorer work-life balance and higher stress levels, the NFER observed.

Article – “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Kids With Long-Term Conditions”:
The mental health of children and young people with some long term physical conditions could benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), according to a recent study. The systematic review used robust methods to bring together and make sense of the best science in this area.

Dr. Lena Pearlman & Associates – 10/20/2019 Update

We Are Accepting New Clients:
We specialize in depression, anxiety, stress & relationships. Our practice sees kids, teens, adults, couples and families. We are staffed to ensure that we can get someone in to be seen within a couple days (if not sooner). We now offer an ONLINE option too. Please contact me for more information.

Take care,


Dr. Lena Pearlman, LCSW
Dr. Lena Pearlman & Associates
655 Craig Road, Suite 300
St. Louis, MO 63141