"It is a strength and sign of resilience to acknowledge anything that may be interfering with our happiness."

Pearlman & Associates

655 Craig Road
St. Louis, MO 63141

Monday – Saturday

Celebrities That Advocate for Mental Health Awareness

“If we start being honest about our pain, our anger, and our shortcomings instead of pretending they don’t exist, then maybe we’ll leave the world a better place than we found it.” -Russell Wilson

“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.” – Glenn Close

In an article by Emerald Psychiatry called “The Benefits of Celebrities Sharing Their Mental Health Stories”, they write, “Modern celebrities are using news and social media to open up and share their mental health concerns. These acts alone help to breakdown any lingering mental health stigma that may be resistant to seeking treatment.”

Who are some of these celebrities?

Demi Lovato (https://www.deseret.com/2020/4/22/21231498/demi-lovato-starts-mental-health-fund-coronavirus-covid-19-charity-fundraising-crisis-counseling) – “The strongest thing someone can do is take that first step in getting help, whatever shape or form that is.”

Kristen Bell Wants Mental Health Screenings To Be As Common As Dentist Visits (https://namiillinois.org/kristen-bell-wants-mental-health-screenings-common-dentist-visits-makes-great-point/) She writes, “Mental health check-ins should be as routine as going to the doctor or the dentist. After all, I’ll see the doctor if I have the sniffles. If you tell a friend that you are sick, his first response is likely, “You should get that checked out by a doctor.” Yet if you tell a friend you’re feeling depressed, he will be scared or reluctant to give you that same advice. You know what? I’m over it.”

On Be Vocal: Speak Up For Mental Health, Actress Chyler Leigh told her story, “When I was younger, before receiving an official diagnosis, I had bouts of debilitating depression that I never talked about. I grew up in an environment where I wasn’t able to speak up, so I put on a shell and I kept quiet”. Full Story: https://www.bevocalspeakup.com/spotlight-chyler-leigh.html

Justin Bieber Opens Up About His Mental Health: ‘There was times where I was really, really suicidal’ https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/justin-bieber-mental-health-suicidal-interview-next-chapter-youtube-b1555078.html?amp He says: “I just would encourage people, like, ‘Hey, if you’re feeling lonely, talk about it. Say it out loud.’ There’s a freedom in that. I could have avoided a lot of pain.”

Chris Evans has spoken about his experiences with anxiety and panic attacks, and posted a tweet in 2021 that normalizes mental health, saying: “Nothing like anxiety for no reason whatsoever. Looking like a 4pm bedtime for me. Happy Friday!”

Kendrick Lamar struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts while recording To Pimp A Butterfly (https://consequence.net/2015/04/kendrick-lamar-struggled-with-depression-and-suicidal-thoughts-while-recording-to-pimp-a-butterfly/)

Celebrities using their platforms to speak and advocate for & about mental health doesn’t end with the six mentioned above; Jim Carrey, Chrissy Teigen, Pete Davidson, Lana Condor, Kid Cudi, Emma Stone, Big Sean, Selena Gomez, Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, Serena Williams. We are all human. By fighting stigma and supporting mental health, “People will be more willing to seek treatment. People are scared to be perceived as “crazy” or “unstable” because of the way society looks at mental illness.” (viewpointcenter.com)

Information in this article derived From borgenproject.org & advantagecaredtc.org

Dr. Lena Pearlman & Associates is a St Louis mental health therapy practice in Creve Coeur, Missouri. The practice has a team of mental health therapists who provide therapy and counseling services to kids, teens, adults, couples, and families. Dr. Lena Pearlman & Associates specializes in stress, anxiety, depression, relationships, and other mental health related issues and concerns. The practice can be reached by phone at: 314-942-1147, by email at: bryan@stlmentalhealth.com or on the web at: www.STLmentalhealth.com. The office is located at: 655 Craig Road, Suite 300, St. Louis, MO 63141.